"This is an autobiographical story; I have a few reasons for writing it.
The first is so that I may more fully understand, cope, and continue to grow beyond the abandonment, neglect, abuse, and isolation of my childhood, all of which resulted from my biological parents’ limitations and failures. That said, I alone bear the responsibility for my life.
The second is hope. It is my sincere wish that others will benefit from my experiences by my sharing not merely an account of what happened but also much of what I’ve learned, and some pivotal choices I made along the way. While it would be an exaggeration to claim I have been completely healed, I’m happy and grateful to report significant progress.
Thirdly, it is my intention that this memoir will (a) contribute to the case for reforming the foster care system in the United States of America, (b) stimulate an impetus for more judicial oversight of the system, (c) motivate social workers to become more engaged, listen more to at-risk children placed under their supervision and take courageous steps to protect them, and (d) inform and thus aid mental health professionals in this area of practice.
I’m aware that my intentions may seem quixotic but I am earnest. There is magic in the audacity to step forward." -Joseph Schmeltzer